Pubg update xbox
Pubg update xbox

pubg update xbox

  • Reviving underwater is impossible, and any ongoing revive is canceled when either player goes underwater or moves around too much.
  • combined with drowning HP loss this means that a DBNO player will die within 10 seconds underwater.
  • In DBNO a player is constantly losing HP.
  • The air a player has in their lungs is not reset when entering DBNO, so a player who was drowning will continue to drown in DBNO.
  • DBNO Players can swim for at half of the normal speed.
  • Hopefully, you’ll feel more confident next time you get into a Boat or swim across that river! Now a player will instead enter Swimming DBNO, a slow swimming state which gives the player a chance to reach the shore and be revived by teammates. This made any deep water a hazardous area to traverse. Previously a player who enters DBNO while in the water would skip DBNO and instantly die. To improve the survivability of players inside water, we are now supporting DBNO Swimming. However, we will consider adding it in later updates.
  • Will not be available in Training Mode to prevent other players from getting interfered by the smoke effect.
  • World spawns in stacks of 2 to 3 along with the M79.
  • Once it hits an object that’s less than 10m far away but fails to explode on impact, only the second smoke effect will be released after 3 seconds.
  • Once it hits an object that’s more than 10m far away, the projectile will release the first smoke effect followed by a second one a few seconds later.
  • Cannot be used in a vehicle’s driver’s seat.
  • pubg update xbox

    New Weapon: M79 can be found, not only in Taego but across all eight maps. Blind your enemies, cover your downed teammate or make a grand escape from a losing battle! Our new M79 is a smoke grenade launcher that was created to provide quick smoke cover on longer ranges. – RB + R-Stick (Xbox/Stadia)- R1 + R-Stick (PlayStation) Left/Right Controls- R-StickUp/Down Controls- L-Stick – Move to an eligible deployment surface in Deploy Mode and press RT (Xbox/Stadia)/R2 (PlayStation) – Select the corresponding weapon slot- Change to another weapon It can shoot between 121m to 700m in distance.Does not spawn in Supply Crates or Secret Rooms.Mortar and ammo both spawn inside buildings.There is a one-second delay between fires.You must have ammo in the inventory to fire.The character cannot move until the firing mode gets released.The character crouches automatically once the firing mode gets activated.Press X (Xbox/Stadia)/▢ (PlayStation) to cancel deployment.

    pubg update xbox

    Press RT (Xbox/Stadia)/R2 (PlayStation) button to deploy the Mortar.It cannot be deployed on cement, iron, concrete, water, or wooden floors, or inside buildings.

    pubg update xbox

  • It can only be deployed on flat surfaces.
  • Once looted, it takes up a primary slot.
  • In particular, you can use various strategies in cooperative play, so be sure to use them in battle! Also, it can be effective when destroying vehicles. Once you get used to it, it can be helpful to attack behind ridges where grenades can’t reach or when defending specific areas. First, you must calculate the distance to the target and the expected movement path, so calculate carefully. The new Taego weapon Mortar is easy to use in combat situations, but it can take a lot of practice to achieve reasonable accuracy.

    Pubg update xbox